Q 1. Fill in the blanks in following sentences choosing appropriate word from the options given

(a) Most of the kids are addicted _______ mobile.

(i) on

(ii) with

(iii) about

(iv) to

Answer (iv)

(b) The thief was not ashamed ______ his behaviour.

(i) on

(ii) of

(iii) about

(iv) to

Answer (ii)

(c) “Brave people are not afraid ____ death”, said Caesar.

(i) on

(ii) of

(iii) about

(iv) to

Answer (ii)

(d) My father is fond _________ sweets.

(i) on

(ii) with

(iii) about

(iv) of

Answer (iv)

Q 2. In following para one word has been omitted from each line. Write the missing word. Also write the word that comes before and the word that comes after the missing word.

Before Missing After
Dara was away in for-off village in a far-off
staying his mother. When the message (a)
reached him, he took leave his mother (b)
and hurried see the King. The King (c)
told him a danger threatened the nation. (d)


(a) staying, with, his

(b) leave , of, mother

(c) hurried, to, see

(d) him, that, a

Q 3. Complete the following para by filling in the blanks by suitable word.


(a) through

(b) than

(c) at

(d) to

Q 4. Fill in the blanks in following sentences choosing the appropriate phrase from the options given.

(a) Having agreed that work is important, we need to _____ how we do the work.

(i) look about

(ii) search against

(iii) start about

(iv) look at

Answer (iv)

(b) Since work is unavoidable, we should _____ pleasure.

(i) do it with

(ii) think about it with

(iii) do away with

(iv) close our eyes with

Answer (i)

(c) The chief guest of the function ____ prizes to meritorious students.

(i) gave away

(ii) awarded with

(iii) announced

(iv) presented

Answer (i)

(d) When you are ______ a queue, you patiently wait for your turn.

(i) standing at

(ii) standing about

(iii) standing in

(iv) standing for

Answer (iii)



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